Dr. Antje Potthast 2015

Dr. Antje Potthast

Dr. Antje Potthast is associate professor and deputy head of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. She heads the working group ‘Biopolymer and Paper Analytics’ within the Division of Chemistry for Renewable Resources and the Christian-Doppler-Laboratory ‘Advanced Cellulose Chemistry and Analytics’.

An active publication record (>185 peer-reviewed papers and 6 patens) and involvement in a dynamic network of international cooperation underline her scientific involvement. She has been working in the field of wood chemistry, biopolymer analytics and conservation science for over twenty years.

Current research activities focus on advanced characterization and modification of polysaccharides, related derivatives, lignin analysis, paper aging, and in particular the development of novel  analytical methodologies in biorefineries and lignocellulose processing. Antje Potthast takes heavy reviewing and editorial board membership duties.